Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Life

This was the final project and of course was the biggest one. It took a long time to do it, especially because i don't have a mac to work on it at home. And of course i turned it in late, so i wasn't as satisfied with it as i had wished to be. We had to gather pictures about our lives from when we were babies until now and we had to talk about them and basically go through out life. We also had to find information on the year we were born like who was the president and the top 10 songs and national and global newspaper headlines and academy award winning movies and actors and actresses. I really liked this project and wanted to go more into detail about my life, but i didn't have enough time to do other things besides my family and what i like to do. I wanted to go into detail about friends and vacations and all of that. If i would of done that i would have been more satisfied with the project. But all in all it was a fun project, i like to talk about my family and things i like to do because my family is my life, they mean everything to me.