Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This project was a bit of a pain. I just no turned it in when it was due like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Of course thts because i was behind. We had to find ten pictures of letters of our name in everyday things. And then we had to find ten pictures that represent us, things that we like and stuff like that. It was difficult because i couldn't find all the letter i wanted, but everntually i faound them. And the pictures of our favorite things was pretty simple. I got pictures of  guitar, music sheets, a soccer ball, and all that good stuff. In this project i learned how to use iphoto which can be a very useful tool. I wasn't a big fan of this project but I did it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This was project was a little more lengthy this time. We had to use garageband. We had to pick a movie that we like and write out a script or summary of it. Then we had to find at least seven pictures of the movie. We also had to have music and the slideshow. This project was helpful in a sense that it helps me learn how to use GarageBand app. and also ichat and all that. Also helped me appreciate more the movie that i chose to do. I chose to do Treasure planet because its one of my favorite movies. Its full of action and adventure. And the story is great, the theme as well. And two of the songs in the movie were performed by Johnny Rzeznik. I liked this project more than the others that we did.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Charity Mail Merge

This project was a little harder than the m&m project in the sense that i had to choose a company i was gonna represent, make up ten recipients, make up their addresses, write a letter that explained who i was and why I was contacting those people, what we were doing, when it was, and for who the charity was for. This took a little time, we had to use two programs; Excel and Word. Then, with the help of my teacher, i had to merge the letters so that i could send it to all ten people at a time. This project was pretty neat because i did not no that you could send multiple letters at a time., and i guess that was the purpose of this project.

M&M Project

This project was not too difficult. What we had to do was create a chart showing the total and average of m&ms in a single bag for 4 bags. Then we had to find the total and average of all four bags together. We had to do this on an excel doc. which i had never used before. So when it came to calculating the totals and averages only using the tool on excel, i was a little lost but i figured it out. I guess the whole purpose of this project was for us to use excel and learn more about how to use it.